Hey, I'm David Hillier. Does your business need words?
Then I'm the AI-free, actually quite-nice-human for the job.
I write upbeat copy and content for businesses, brands, and charities.
My previous clients include: Virgin, VICE, British Airways, Adidas, Lacoste, NOW TV, Sainsbury's, and many lovely SMEs.
I can write B2B, B2C, optimised web copy, blogs, newsletters, emails, marketing material, pitch decks or social posts.
(Anything using the alphabet, essentially.)
I'm also an award-winning journalist, published in The Guardian, BBC, and many other outlets.
I specialise in drug culture but have wide experience of writing on other subjects.
Like mental health. Tech. Travel. Trousers. Taking my top off in public.
(The latter was a phase – I don't do that anymore.)
So, are you still reading? Then I'm very grateful you have considered me over ChatGPT.
You can find my archive, testimonials, and contact info on the button at your top right.
Then please drop me an email and let's talk! I’d love to know what you do :)
Please click below for my published work, and people saying nice things about me.
If you would like to chat about a project:
07877 243358
Please follow me on social: